This page focuses on resources for teachers and students preparing for the AP Vergil exam, rather than the wider world of Vergilian or Aeneid resources on the web. Perhaps you can obtain further assistance by searching one of the other pages at this site via the site navigation to the left of the screen.
The links have been updated in time for the 2010 AP Vergil exam.
(NOTE: This page contains annotated links of those sites and pages that provide teacher-student online resources for AP Vergil, but not class pages that simply list assignments. If you have online materials for the Vergil syllabus, please contact me through the Guestbook so that I may add a link to your resources. I might create a comprehensive teachers' assignment pages list somewhere else if enough teachers requested it.)
- The College Board's Student Portal for the Latin: Vergil Test: This starting page provides lists of lines covered on the AP exam (by the way, the total is 1,855!) and the abilities tested, for which the remainder of the page then provides further information. Besides obtaining general information about the AP exams (registration, calendar, costs), from this page it is also possible to
- The AP Aeneid Page of Your Host: This site contains numerous links to resources of interest (online texts of the Aeneid, Iliad, and Odyssey; online commentaries in English and German; metasites of relevance; sound files of the Aeneid in Latin; information on meter and figures of speech), but focuses on practice materials (grammar, vocabulary, meter, figures of speech, content, sight reading) for each portion of the syllabus and contains over 25 of the world's only online AP-style reading passages of both poetry and prose that visitors may take online!
- The AP Vergil Page of Ms. McGlennon at the Maret School: This Quia page contains a number of valuable practices for vocabulary, figures of speech, quotations, and Roman history. Its primary contribution consists of several years' worth of old National Latin Exams transformed into online multiple choice quizzes. In at least one case, the text for the site reading portion is missing. The list of links is also valuable.
- The AP Vergil Page of Magistra Sameth at Thomas Dale High School: Another Quia page, this long-standing resource has valuable practices of vocabulary, the life of Vergil, background of the Aeneid, poetic devices, grammar, and review materials. It also has a large list of valuable links.
- The Aeneid Page of Magistra Gilmore: This Quia page offers vocabulary practices for the complete Book 1 AP syllabus vocabulary and portions of the syllabus vocabulary for Books 2 and 4. It also has separate practices for verb conjugations, important deponent verbs, adjectives that require special cases, and preparation for the National Latin Exam. No links.
- Magistra Gilmore's AP Latin Page at Milton Area District School: Another resource of Magistra Gilmore that includes a few links, all of which are provided elsewhere at, but its important contribution is its separate and individual book-by-book question and answer pages. Students may test their knowledge of the epic on one page and check the answers on another. Thorough.
- Magistra Bloomberg's Vergil Page at Dana Hall: Numerous practices of vocabulary, grammar, and contents of the Aeneid, plus many useful links, highlight this Quia page.
- The Aeneid Page of Mr. Odhner: A Quia page with vocabulary, figure of speech, myth, and grammar practices, plus a small number of links.
- The Vergil Project's Text and Resources Page: Just select the book and line numbers. You will be directed to a version of the Aeneid in which every word of the text is hyperlinked. Click on any word, and you will be provided with invaluable information about grammar and even translation.
- Dr. Melissa Schons Bishop's AP Vergil Page: Check out the useful vocabulary practices linked from this main page plus the materials for scansion and figures of speech. Each term of the school year has its own page, which includes Dr. Bishop's "magic" vocab lists: all the vocabulary of each passage as it occurs in the text!
- Mrs. Lukes's Page for Latin IV/AP Latin at Pius VI High School: A Quia page with focus on vocabulary practice. It contains thorough vocabulary practices for the lists in both Pharr's Aeneid and the Song of War of LaFleur and McKay.
- Mrs. Kehoe's AP Page at Wichita Collegiate School: A Quia page with focus on vocabulary practice. It contains vocabulary practices for both Song of War and Pharr's Aeneid along with a few years of National Latin Exam practices of poetry and grammar.
- Jennifer M. Romanic's AP Latin Class Page: A newer and still small but potentially valuable Quia page. The hangman games for figures of speech (38 items that you had better read carefully) and for background material (40 items) are unique contributions worth a visit.
- Mr. Bruce M. Johnson's Vergil Page: A page of useful links for Vergilian study.